Monday, August 16, 2010

What is a choice?

God tells one of the prophets that "before you were formed in the womb, I knew you".

The first person to worship our saviour was John the Baptist, while he was still in his mother's womb.

Sounds like they were real people to me, not choices for someone to make during a 9 month responsibility free window.

Now look at the Declaration of Independence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

So in 1973 the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v Wade. They addressed the 9th and 14th amendments as being relavent. The attorneys for Ms. McCorvey (Roe) claimed that the laws in Texas and many other states infringed on women's rights to terminate a pregnancy and violated these amendments. The majority agreed with them.

Nowhere in the majority opinion is the life of the unborn child ever mentioned. Just these two amendments.

Let's look at them.

The 9th Amendment declares that the listing of individual rights in the Constitution and Bill of Rights is not meant to be comprehensive; and that the other rights not specifically mentioned are retained by the people.

    This ruling and it's subsequent interpretations have taken this right away from the people and given it entirely to the unelected courts.

The 14th Amendment defines a set of guarantees for United States citizenship; prohibits states from abridging citizens' privileges or immunities and rights to due process and the equal protection of the law; repeals the Three-fifths compromise; prohibits repudiation of the federal debt caused by the Civil War.

   This ruling completely ignores the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for the unborn child. Interestingly this same amendment repeals the 3/5's compromise making a slave less than a full person for representation and makes an unborn child just a choice, not a person.

The right to privacy often cited by the proabortion crowd comes from their belief that the government can't tell them what to do with their bodies. I wish they had the same respect for my tax dollars. Also, if they are so big on the Right to Choose why are they against so many of the school choice and voucher programs?

I have been on the pro-life side of the barriers at abotion clinics. The contrasts are amazing. On one side you have hateful angry people screaming for the pro-lifers to take down the pictures of aborted children. I guess they want their customers to make a choice without knowing what the consequences of that choice are. Not all of the proaborts are hateful. Most are just  lost and looking for a way home.

On the other side, you have people praying and signing songs. There are usually children there. Yes, there are the fringe groups screaming hateful epithets at the other side. But, they are a distinct minority and do not represent the vast majority of the pro-life crowd. Most of the prolifers are there to save lives. The lives of the mothers and their children. They offer an alternative to the death the pro-choice group is giving away.

They help with adoptions. They help with giving birth and child care. And if the mother chooses the abortion, they are there for counseling and support.  Not because you did it their way, but because they love you.

So what is the choice that we have the right to?

Is it just the right to kill and unborn child? Our president referred to these as mistakes.

Is it the choice to accept responsibility for our actions? For fathers to choose to be a parent and not just a donor and a check for an unwed mother.

Is it the choice for women to keep their legs closed until they find the man that willl be the father to their children? Sounds harsh doesn't it. It would be a lot harsher if the government, you and me, weren't paying their bills.

But what about rape and incest? What about them? Do we encourage the wholesale slaughter of millions of children each year because an extremely small percentage of them are the product of rape or incest? Doesn't make sense to me to let an extreme minority control the whole discussion.

What choices are you willing to make? Is it okay to support a candidate who is proabortion because he will get a new park built in his district? Or maybe to extend unemployment benefits? After all, he is a good man, he didn't choose to kill his kids before thy were born. So what if he voted to spend money killing other people's unborn kids?

Think about this. Social Security and Medicare are bankrupt. This is because we have more people getting benefits than are putting money in. Between 1973 and 2002 there were over 42, 000,000 abortions.

How much healthier would these programs be if those 42,000,000 were still alive to contribute to them?

How much healthier would our country be spiritually if their deaths were not on our collective conscience?

It's not to late to choose our future.

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