Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A new voice on the web

I have some free time now and I have decided to become a presence on the web. Thanks Al Gore for making this all possible.

A little bit about me and what I hope to accomplish.

I just got an email from AARP offerring me a membership and a free travel wallet. I am approaching 50 and sadly have learned that I haven't done enough to prepare for my twilight years. I've always known that our government couldn't save us. I just wish it wasn't working so hard to condemn us.

I have strong Christian values and truly believe that the Bible is God's holy, inspired, and unerring word. Unfortunately I learned this lesson late in life and have a great deal of baggage from my past. I will always say that the Bible is right, when taken in context, in all things. That doesn't mean I find it easy to follow or that I even do all the time. Luckily, I serve a forgiving God, one who knew my imperfections before I was born and died for me anyway. I can take whatever anyone who wants to throw my past back at me has to say. I'm not perfect, just forgiven.

My politics lean to the right and I have learned that our founding father's were Christians. They didn't all worship the same way or go to the same churches. They did believe that God was King over all creation and that this was the unifying bond in their words, thoughts, and prayers as they wrote and signed our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. They didn't believed that it was their laws that would form this nation and bring it to prosperity but a love and fear of our God that would make us great.

This nation was formed on Judaeo/Christian values. The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New. The Alpha and the Omega. If anyone wants to diagree with this because similar words can be found in other writings too bad. Our God created everything and their writers just plagerized the good parts. Am I opinionated? Yes I am. I invite anyone to respond back and offer intelligent commentary or arguments to support their positions. I only ask that we maintain a sense of civility and respect for each other's ideas. There is no need for for name calling, racism, bigotry, or stupidity. We have Robert Gibbs in the White House for that. I don't want him here. Oh yeah, this will be my blog and I get to make the rules.

But, since I don't have the answers and I feel like we all need to find them for ourselves I want a free exchange of thoughts, facts, and ideas flowing back and forth. Whether we agree or not, we are all in this together and there is only one real solution to our condition. God sent his son down here to show us the way and give us hope. He has done the work and wants us to love one another. So please, keep that in mind as we make the most of the time we have left. Remember, we don't have to win the race-just run it to the end.

Also, our constitution gives us free speech as a right, it doesn't mean that what we say is right.

I will talk about politics and things going on in our world. I like a lot of different subjects but I love politics.
I am a conservative but I don't believe that the republicans are going to fix anything until they get back to their conservative roots. And yes, I believe that ALL truly conservative values can be traced back to the Bible. The republicans have just forgotten this and hopefully they can relearn this before it is too late.

I work for a wholy owned subsidiary of the federal government. Because of this, I can't participate in partisan politics. But, conservatism is not a political party. I won't support any candidates on this blog. I won't say who I am voting for. I don't even want to mention any candidates names. Let's keep this about ideas and principles and let's keep things in context.

Once again, I hope that I won't be alone here and look forward to hearing from all sides of the issues. This country is too great and has blessed to many people in its short history to be transformed into something it was never intended to be. We the People can fix this country with the rights and responsibilities our founding fathers outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. We were endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights and with those rights came responsibilities. Responsibilities that have been paid for in the blood of true patriots who didn't just question their government. They made the ultimate sacrifice so we could be free. Let's not let that go to waste.

I look forward to hearing from everyone with something to say.


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