Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Can man fix this world?

Daniel Ch 2 v 44. "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever."

A friend asked me if I thought that God was using man to bring peace to this earth. He cited the previous passage from the Bible. My answer is no. Only God, through the Blood of His Son Jesus Christ, can bring peace to this earth. We can't rely on any man to do this. No government, no political party, no religious denomination can do this. Only God can do this.

I believe that everyone has a role to play in His kingdom. Saying that God is using man to bring peace on Earth might be a little bit misleading. To me that is comparable to saying that Judas gave us the resurection.

God forsaw that a fallen man would turn away from His glory and seek to create a world in his image, not God's. He saw this and shared it with the prophets. Only when His people were so beaten down and enslaved in the world of their own making did they 'humble themselves and pray' to God to save them. Throughout history he has done this. We thanked him, accepted His blessing, and then went on about our way all over again.

I believe that we as a nation, and the world as a whole, are seeing history repeat itself in a major way. Remember that 'Where sin abounds, Grace abounds that much more'. God gave us free will to sin, to ignore His word, and to repent and turn to him or to suffer the consequences. It is in our nature to sin. We don't have to sin, we choose to sin.

Man is sinful and on his own can not bring peace to the world. Or even his own personal life for any amount of time. The only true peace is Jesus. Anyone who claims they can build anything on a foundation other than Him is a fool and a liar.

God will allow man to make a complete mess of everything and then He, through His people, cleansed by the blood of His Son, will bring His kingdom back to Earth. He does this not to reward us, but to bless us and to bring us closer to Him.

It is not about Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, Black or White. It is about followers and non-followers of God. God's plan has already been made and He has told us the way it will look when it is finished. Are we going to be a part of His Kingdom or continuing to rebel against Him and go our own way.

I hope this answers his question. Please share your feelings and views on this or anything else and let me know.

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