Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What gave Satan the right to offer the world to Jesus?

A friend asked me another question and it had several layers to it. Here is the question...

In Matthew 4:8, why couldn't Jesus say to satan that he couldn't offer these kingdoms and their glory to him if he would do a form of worship to him? What I'm asking is did satan have the authority to offer these governments to Jesus? If you say yes, why, if not, why? what's your thought on this matter?

To the LORD your God belong the heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it (Deuteronomy 10:14).

For every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10).

The world is mine, and all that is in it (Psalm 50:12).

"The silver is mine and the gold is mine," declares the LORD Almighty (Haggai 2:8).

Based on the these selected verses it is clear that EVERYTHING belongs to God. I looked it up in the dictionary and everything means everything. No wiggle room there. So how could satan make this offer to Jesus and why didn't Jesus use these or more of God's (His) word to rebuke him?

Let's go to the book of Job. In verses 1: 9-12 we meet a man whom God has blessed with a family, wealth, and property. This is a man who loves God and worships him continuously. God is talking with Satan and His other angels and points this out to them. Satan then says 'Sure he loves you, you have taken given him everything he could want.' God them gives Satan permission to persecute and torment Job but he is not allowed to to kill him.

Notice that God had to give Satan permission to attack Job and then God had control over how much Satan could do to him.

I believe that since Adam and Eve left the garden God has allowed Satan to exercise his influence over the Earth. But, Satan still has to ask for God's permission in anything he wants to do and anyone he wants to attack.

When Satan made the offer to Jesus he believed he had the right. God might have even told him to go ahead and try it. Jesus knew that everything was God's but instead chose to respond to each of the 3 temptations with a verse specific to the temptation.

 He reminded Satan that man does not live by bread alone but by the word of God. Because Jesus had been fasting this verse has more impact then if he had a full belly.

Satan tried to get Him to call upon angels to save Him. Jesus quoted the verse saying not to put the Lord your God to the test. Once again, Jesus was weakened from the fast and using the word of God as a protection had more meaning than calling down angels.

And the third temptation was that if Jesus would worship him He could have it all. Jesus' answer was clear, 'Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only'. Besides, He was already God and it all belonged to Him anyway.

I believe Jesus chose to answer him this way as a guide to us, when we are weak and tempted. We all know in the back of our minds that God made it all and it all belongs to him. But, in our hunger, in the midst of fears, and in our search for a quick answer he gave us verses specific to our condition to show he loves us and has thought it all out for us. The answers to all our problems are in his Word.

So, Satan had no authority to offer Jesus anything. I do believe he had God's permission to make the offers, but only because God gave it to him.

Satan has no authority over anything or anyone. He ask to ask God to allow him to tempt us. He can't make us sin. We have free will. Only we can do that by letting him into our lifes.

God will never let us be attacked without giving us the means to victory. This is His Word, both in the Bible and the Word made flesh in Jesus.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Something this administration may be qualified to do......Well maybe?

I was recently at an event at my child's elementary school and I overheard parents talking about how hard it is for their children to convert to the metric sysyem.  I remember my parents and teachers having the same conversations 45 years ago when I was in elementary school.

The school system (Dept. of Education and teachers unions) were insisting that we had to switch to the metric system right away or we were not going to fit in with the rest of the world. They appear to have gotten that right, thank God. But, for the most part the US has been holding it's own, at least until recently.

But then I remembered how I really learned the metric system and this recollection gave me hope that this administration may be able to actually do something meaningful in America.

I was stationed in Germany in the early 80's. Living there taught us in just a few hours what the school systems in America haven't been able to teach in 45 years.

Here it is. Ready?

1 liter is approximately 1 quart. We learned that by remembering that this is equal to  2 pint sized bottles of German beer.

1 ounce is 28 grams. A quarter ounce is 7 grams and an eightball is 3.5 grams. No complicated formulas, no conversion charts, just simple concepts used in everyday life.

Then it dawned on me. The administration in Washington and most of the leaders in the teachers unions probably use or used these very concepts everyday, possibly before they left home this morning. If nothing else, no matter whatever else happens to our country, we might finally be able to effectively use the metric system by November 2012.

Personally, I don't really care if we are using the metric system in 2012 or ever. I just believe that an administration and the people we have entrusted with our children's education should have more to offer them than that.

Looking at the people we elect and knowing what they believe in is important. Who do they answer to at the end of the day? Is it the people who they are to serve, us? Are they the interest groups making the donations to their campaigns? Do they even realize that mankind will not be their final judge?

Our founding fathers amazed the rest of the world, mainly Europe, with the bold experiment that was our nation and our constitution. They only noted one serious flaw with it. That was that this piece of paper could only hold our nation together if the people remember that, above all else, they and their government will be held accountable by a much higher power than fundraisers and re-elections.

Our founding fathers and all of the people who worked to make this country great knew that they would one day have to answer to God and their thoughts and deeds would be laid before them for review.

Please think about what legacy we are leaving our children before you vote. I would prefer that our legacy be that America is still the shining light on the hill. Not, that our kids can properly weigh out dimebags for the other kids in their class.

Also, please pray for what Glenn Beck is doing in Washington, DC this weekend. I wish that there were more mainstream Christian leaders joining him. Remember, our revolution started at the pulpits of the colonies. And then, best of all, it started getting organized in the taverns.

Let's get organized and have a wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Can man fix this world?

Daniel Ch 2 v 44. "And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever."

A friend asked me if I thought that God was using man to bring peace to this earth. He cited the previous passage from the Bible. My answer is no. Only God, through the Blood of His Son Jesus Christ, can bring peace to this earth. We can't rely on any man to do this. No government, no political party, no religious denomination can do this. Only God can do this.

I believe that everyone has a role to play in His kingdom. Saying that God is using man to bring peace on Earth might be a little bit misleading. To me that is comparable to saying that Judas gave us the resurection.

God forsaw that a fallen man would turn away from His glory and seek to create a world in his image, not God's. He saw this and shared it with the prophets. Only when His people were so beaten down and enslaved in the world of their own making did they 'humble themselves and pray' to God to save them. Throughout history he has done this. We thanked him, accepted His blessing, and then went on about our way all over again.

I believe that we as a nation, and the world as a whole, are seeing history repeat itself in a major way. Remember that 'Where sin abounds, Grace abounds that much more'. God gave us free will to sin, to ignore His word, and to repent and turn to him or to suffer the consequences. It is in our nature to sin. We don't have to sin, we choose to sin.

Man is sinful and on his own can not bring peace to the world. Or even his own personal life for any amount of time. The only true peace is Jesus. Anyone who claims they can build anything on a foundation other than Him is a fool and a liar.

God will allow man to make a complete mess of everything and then He, through His people, cleansed by the blood of His Son, will bring His kingdom back to Earth. He does this not to reward us, but to bless us and to bring us closer to Him.

It is not about Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, Black or White. It is about followers and non-followers of God. God's plan has already been made and He has told us the way it will look when it is finished. Are we going to be a part of His Kingdom or continuing to rebel against Him and go our own way.

I hope this answers his question. Please share your feelings and views on this or anything else and let me know.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What is a choice?

God tells one of the prophets that "before you were formed in the womb, I knew you".

The first person to worship our saviour was John the Baptist, while he was still in his mother's womb.

Sounds like they were real people to me, not choices for someone to make during a 9 month responsibility free window.

Now look at the Declaration of Independence.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

So in 1973 the Supreme Court ruled on Roe v Wade. They addressed the 9th and 14th amendments as being relavent. The attorneys for Ms. McCorvey (Roe) claimed that the laws in Texas and many other states infringed on women's rights to terminate a pregnancy and violated these amendments. The majority agreed with them.

Nowhere in the majority opinion is the life of the unborn child ever mentioned. Just these two amendments.

Let's look at them.

The 9th Amendment declares that the listing of individual rights in the Constitution and Bill of Rights is not meant to be comprehensive; and that the other rights not specifically mentioned are retained by the people.

    This ruling and it's subsequent interpretations have taken this right away from the people and given it entirely to the unelected courts.

The 14th Amendment defines a set of guarantees for United States citizenship; prohibits states from abridging citizens' privileges or immunities and rights to due process and the equal protection of the law; repeals the Three-fifths compromise; prohibits repudiation of the federal debt caused by the Civil War.

   This ruling completely ignores the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for the unborn child. Interestingly this same amendment repeals the 3/5's compromise making a slave less than a full person for representation and makes an unborn child just a choice, not a person.

The right to privacy often cited by the proabortion crowd comes from their belief that the government can't tell them what to do with their bodies. I wish they had the same respect for my tax dollars. Also, if they are so big on the Right to Choose why are they against so many of the school choice and voucher programs?

I have been on the pro-life side of the barriers at abotion clinics. The contrasts are amazing. On one side you have hateful angry people screaming for the pro-lifers to take down the pictures of aborted children. I guess they want their customers to make a choice without knowing what the consequences of that choice are. Not all of the proaborts are hateful. Most are just  lost and looking for a way home.

On the other side, you have people praying and signing songs. There are usually children there. Yes, there are the fringe groups screaming hateful epithets at the other side. But, they are a distinct minority and do not represent the vast majority of the pro-life crowd. Most of the prolifers are there to save lives. The lives of the mothers and their children. They offer an alternative to the death the pro-choice group is giving away.

They help with adoptions. They help with giving birth and child care. And if the mother chooses the abortion, they are there for counseling and support.  Not because you did it their way, but because they love you.

So what is the choice that we have the right to?

Is it just the right to kill and unborn child? Our president referred to these as mistakes.

Is it the choice to accept responsibility for our actions? For fathers to choose to be a parent and not just a donor and a check for an unwed mother.

Is it the choice for women to keep their legs closed until they find the man that willl be the father to their children? Sounds harsh doesn't it. It would be a lot harsher if the government, you and me, weren't paying their bills.

But what about rape and incest? What about them? Do we encourage the wholesale slaughter of millions of children each year because an extremely small percentage of them are the product of rape or incest? Doesn't make sense to me to let an extreme minority control the whole discussion.

What choices are you willing to make? Is it okay to support a candidate who is proabortion because he will get a new park built in his district? Or maybe to extend unemployment benefits? After all, he is a good man, he didn't choose to kill his kids before thy were born. So what if he voted to spend money killing other people's unborn kids?

Think about this. Social Security and Medicare are bankrupt. This is because we have more people getting benefits than are putting money in. Between 1973 and 2002 there were over 42, 000,000 abortions.

How much healthier would these programs be if those 42,000,000 were still alive to contribute to them?

How much healthier would our country be spiritually if their deaths were not on our collective conscience?

It's not to late to choose our future.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A new voice on the web

I have some free time now and I have decided to become a presence on the web. Thanks Al Gore for making this all possible.

A little bit about me and what I hope to accomplish.

I just got an email from AARP offerring me a membership and a free travel wallet. I am approaching 50 and sadly have learned that I haven't done enough to prepare for my twilight years. I've always known that our government couldn't save us. I just wish it wasn't working so hard to condemn us.

I have strong Christian values and truly believe that the Bible is God's holy, inspired, and unerring word. Unfortunately I learned this lesson late in life and have a great deal of baggage from my past. I will always say that the Bible is right, when taken in context, in all things. That doesn't mean I find it easy to follow or that I even do all the time. Luckily, I serve a forgiving God, one who knew my imperfections before I was born and died for me anyway. I can take whatever anyone who wants to throw my past back at me has to say. I'm not perfect, just forgiven.

My politics lean to the right and I have learned that our founding father's were Christians. They didn't all worship the same way or go to the same churches. They did believe that God was King over all creation and that this was the unifying bond in their words, thoughts, and prayers as they wrote and signed our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. They didn't believed that it was their laws that would form this nation and bring it to prosperity but a love and fear of our God that would make us great.

This nation was formed on Judaeo/Christian values. The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New. The Alpha and the Omega. If anyone wants to diagree with this because similar words can be found in other writings too bad. Our God created everything and their writers just plagerized the good parts. Am I opinionated? Yes I am. I invite anyone to respond back and offer intelligent commentary or arguments to support their positions. I only ask that we maintain a sense of civility and respect for each other's ideas. There is no need for for name calling, racism, bigotry, or stupidity. We have Robert Gibbs in the White House for that. I don't want him here. Oh yeah, this will be my blog and I get to make the rules.

But, since I don't have the answers and I feel like we all need to find them for ourselves I want a free exchange of thoughts, facts, and ideas flowing back and forth. Whether we agree or not, we are all in this together and there is only one real solution to our condition. God sent his son down here to show us the way and give us hope. He has done the work and wants us to love one another. So please, keep that in mind as we make the most of the time we have left. Remember, we don't have to win the race-just run it to the end.

Also, our constitution gives us free speech as a right, it doesn't mean that what we say is right.

I will talk about politics and things going on in our world. I like a lot of different subjects but I love politics.
I am a conservative but I don't believe that the republicans are going to fix anything until they get back to their conservative roots. And yes, I believe that ALL truly conservative values can be traced back to the Bible. The republicans have just forgotten this and hopefully they can relearn this before it is too late.

I work for a wholy owned subsidiary of the federal government. Because of this, I can't participate in partisan politics. But, conservatism is not a political party. I won't support any candidates on this blog. I won't say who I am voting for. I don't even want to mention any candidates names. Let's keep this about ideas and principles and let's keep things in context.

Once again, I hope that I won't be alone here and look forward to hearing from all sides of the issues. This country is too great and has blessed to many people in its short history to be transformed into something it was never intended to be. We the People can fix this country with the rights and responsibilities our founding fathers outlined in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. We were endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights and with those rights came responsibilities. Responsibilities that have been paid for in the blood of true patriots who didn't just question their government. They made the ultimate sacrifice so we could be free. Let's not let that go to waste.

I look forward to hearing from everyone with something to say.
